[CoLoCo] Super Key Sticker?

Brandan E. Lloyd coloco-ubuntu at thelloyds.net
Thu Dec 20 20:01:55 GMT 2007

I would be interested in this also.

On 12/20/07, simon engelbert <simonengelbert at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On a thread a while back someone made a comment about removing the Windows
> logo branded on the super key itself. I kinda made a half-serious comment
> about a sticker to cover it up but then the more I have thought about it the
> better of an idea I think it is….but that may just be me. Would anyone even
> be interested in a tiny circular or square sticker that would cover up the
> windows logo on the super key with the Ubuntu logo? I was thinking the
> sticker would have to be around ¼ inch to ½  inch to cover most windows
> logos and that would also make sure it wasn't too big for the entire key. So
> would anyone be interested or is this idea completely stupid? I have not
> really talked to anyone about costs and whatever….I just thought I would see
> if the idea was even worth perusing. Thoughts?
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