[CoLoCo] partitioning (after the fact...)

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Thu Dec 13 23:59:33 GMT 2007

I'll be ecstatic if you'll just get the re-sizer labeled in such a way
that normal humans (or even I :-)) can understand what is being proposed
without having done several installs.  Currently, it's not at all clear
how large the Windows partition will be, how much free space it will
have, how much free space will be carved off and given to Linux, and how
much free space might be available in Linux after the install.  This
frustrating lack of clear information feature was noted by both of my
last two converts.

Only-loosely-related, it would be nice if they would put the
time-zone-names back in the time-zone-picking-thingy.  Some
small-town-dwellers actually know what time-zone they live in, and
having to think "Which nearby large city, that's listed in this
pick-widget, has the same time as me?" is frustrating for them.

Beyond that, I am interested to see what you think is a better default
than one big partition, and why.  Do you really think anything but one
big partition can work for normal people that neither have, nor want,
any knowledge of how PCs work, AND neither have, nor want, an ongoing
relationship with someone who does.

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 16:18 -0700, Kevin Fries wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 10:44 -0700, TC wrote:
> > I would be very tempted to suspect that how to partition disks can verge
> > on the same type of Holy War that you see when discussing distros, or
> > bsd vs Linux.
> Yes, but the default used by Ubuntu is not a good way of doing things.
> I have begun the conversation in the developers to see if we can try and
> fix this.
> Its more than holy war, its about stability and disaster recovery.  The
> one partition fits all approach is very bad in these aspects.  That is
> why I have begun the conversation in the developers to try and get it
> fixed for Hardy.
> I know my normal partitioning scheme will likely get labeled too extreme
> in the end, if I can move the default used in installation to a more
> robust system, I will feel completely victorious.
> -- 
> Kevin Fries
> Senior Linux Engineer
> Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
> A Division of Japan Communications Inc.

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