[CoLoCo] Laptops and 7200 RPM HDDs

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Thu Dec 13 20:02:01 GMT 2007

On 12/13/07, Chomafin <chomafin at gmail.com> wrote:
> If nothing else the nv is great for compiz ;) And the few other 3d non games
> apps (google earth for instance).

Not to contradict, but I think the intel integrated work just fine for
compiz and many of the 3d games and such - just maybe not with great
frame rates. I think the nvidia chips use a fair bit of juice and
don't contribute too much to "average" use. Obviously, if you need to
do a lot of fancy 3d stuff then it's a step up. However, I see 4-5
hours on a macbook compared to a paltry 2 on my dell. Other than OS,
the main diff is integrated graphics and 5400 drive. OSX may be better
than vista or Ubuntu at power management but that's a big difference.

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