[CoLoCo] Laptops and 7200 RPM HDDs

Mitch Mahan mitch at kci.net
Thu Dec 13 16:53:04 GMT 2007

In my experience I've noticed the increase in just about every aspect of


Get the 7200.


- Mitch



From: ubuntu-us-co-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-us-co-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of David Overcash
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:49 AM
To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team
Subject: [CoLoCo] Laptops and 7200 RPM HDDs


Hey guys,
So I'm at the point to where I have to purchase a new laptop again and I've
been doing my regular homework.  I've found some really nice deals but the
point I'm stuck on is concerning whether or not it's worth getting a 7200
RPM hard drive or to just stick with the 5400 RPM.  Considering that I'm
going to be a mostly mobile user but I still demand fairly good machine
performance (thus the nvidia graphics instead of intel and 2 GB of RAM) I'm
not sure if I should sacrifice my battery power for a bit faster hard drive

Have any of you used a laptop with a 7200 RPM HDD and noticed a substantial
performance boost that truly warranted the drop in battery life?  Was it
while you were gaming or doing simply "work" related stuff such as word
processing, internet communications, and file browsing? 

Thanks guys!

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