[CoLoCo] [Fwd: [CLUEJOBS] CONTRACT: Linux/UNIX Administrator - DTC]

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Thu Dec 13 00:03:50 GMT 2007

This is where I gently remind that sometimes a freedom lover has to
forward a job opening to an administrative assistant who doesn't know
about freedom or choice as regards operating systems and software.

Just send your resume in it's native, free format ~and~ DOC, and let the
receiver consume whichever version they like best.

On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 15:53 -0700, Derek Buranen wrote:
> Linux job that requires sending a word doc resume?   No thank you
> freedom hater!  Take your job and stick it... with someone who hates
> freedom a little more than I.
> -Freedom Lover

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