[CoLoCo] JeOS

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Dec 10 17:57:48 GMT 2007

> Another thing you can try is VirtualBox.  The new 1.5.x versions have
> what they call seamless mode.  I first of all tell the bottom menu bar
> to auto hide.  Then turn on seamless mode (<host key>+L; by default the
> host key is the right control button, but is configurable.)  Windows
> runs overtop of your existing Linux desktop.  When I move my mouse to
> the bottom of the screen, it causes the windows menu bar to pop up, and
> Start->Programs->Etc.

I'd like to see this.  Is it on a laptop?  Can you bring it to the party
on Friday night?

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