[CoLoCo] (Fwd) Proposal: Removal of the WinFOSS collection

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Mon Dec 10 15:18:55 GMT 2007

On 12/10/07, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
> FYI.  What do you think of the marketing potential of the WinFOSS
> collection vs other uses for the space?  Do you talk about it when you
> give CDs away?  Do people express interest?  Does anyone who expressed
> interest because of the WinFOSS stuff end up installing and using
> Ubuntu?

I never found it overly useful but others may have. Given that there
isn't much of anything on there anymore I don't see the point of
having it. I would, however, suggest that it still auto load something
on windows box - even if it's just instructions on how to use it and
maybe links to the open disc or to several winFOSS project pages. It
would be really slick if there was a windows installer for Ubuntu on
the CD (isn't that the wubi project?). I think would solve a lot of
problems as I see a lot of questions about "have CD, now what" on the
answer tracker. That may be too involved but at the very least an info


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