[CoLoCo] Open Source Flash Creator/Designer

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 08:08:59 GMT 2007

Andrew wrote:
> Aha!  Last time I checked, it was not.  But it looks like there are no
> trial versions for Linux anymore.  That said Anime Studio *Pro* only... 
Hmmm.  There are according to what I've seen a lot of tools that can 
export to Flash on the Mac, but why not on Linux?  Perhaps you can try 
using Anime Studio in Linux under WINE assuming it will run under WINE 
and you want to pay for the software.  I understand it can be 
expensive.  A lot of the Japanese and Korean production studios use it 
as well as 3DS Max and Blender.  The software I saw in a making of 
"Robotech the Shadow Chronicles" special used by the Korean production 
house Harmony Gold hired looked like Blender.

I'm an Otaku by the way.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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