[CoLoCo] Gartner Tells Companies to Adopt Vista or Die

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 18:00:53 GMT 2007

Jim Hutchinson wrote:
> Best quote...
> "But Silver warned that there were no guarantees that the next version
> of Windows, code-named "Windows 7" will arrive on time and might end
> up being just as lemon flavoured."
> So basically he says Vista is a lemon but get it anyway since the next
> windows might not be any better. Great logic. Moron.
> -jim
Seems like some people have become so desensitized to how crappy Windows 
is that they ignore the problem rather than try to fix the problem .. 
like I don't know ... maybe switching to Mac or Linux?

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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