[CoLoCo] Gartner Tells Companies to Adopt Vista or Die

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 17:45:25 GMT 2007

If this doesn't demonstrate just how much industry analysts just don't 
get IT I don't what will.  This is some of the worst FUD crap I've read 
in a along time.  Anyone who takes these idiots seriously deserves to 
have their business go under, period.  They fail to realize the sheer 
immensity of the cost involved in switching to Vista Ultimate, not only 
do you have to buy the overpriced software but you need to buy high-end 
computers to run it and even with bulk discounts the price can 
skyrocket.  That also doesn't include the high-priced support contracts 
companies will be forced to buy.


Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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