[CoLoCo] in defense of open source
Jim Hutchinson
jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Fri Dec 7 04:25:20 GMT 2007
On 12/6/07, Ringo Kamens <2600denver at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim agreed to do an interview with Binary Freedom about this article,
> his response, and GNU/Linux in general. I think he did a great job and
> you all might find it interesting. See
> http://binaryfreedom.info/node/269 and if you feel so inclined:
> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Interesting_Interview_About_Linux
> This issue already got on digg once, can we pull it off again?
> Comrade Ringo Kamens
Darn it. No matter how many times I proof read... I still end up with
errors. I found a couple. Any chance they can be fixed?
Q5 technological --> technology
Q6 This type of approach MS --> This type of approach by MS
Probably some more but that's all I see at the moment.
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