[CoLoCo] Appropriateness of posts to this list (Was Re: evince crash)

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Thu Dec 6 22:00:35 GMT 2007

I have yet to see Scott Kitterman's own words, except for one paragraph.  I heartily
approve of Kevin Fries, but I will not hang Scott up on one guy's words, no matter how
much I respect the guy saying the words.  I mean, maybe if it was Jim Hutchinson saying
the words, but that's only because Jim could find a way to get along with friggin'

Let's bear in mind that opinion is just that, and it's tastiest when humbly put.  For my
part, I've been participating on the Ubuntu Server list for a bit, and I've seen Soren
give Hell, but only after first showing the patience of a saint.  I've read some of
Linus' flames, and I think everyone agrees that he has our best interests in mind. 
Sometimes, some Nimrod has it coming...  I don't know that this wasn't one of those times.

My nutshell opinion on the core issue:

- If I'm doing something for free, I'll tell you what I'm going to do, and you get to
take it or leave it.  If ~nobody~ wants to do what you want done, the way you want it
done, for free... you do it, or you pay somebody.  Nobody bosses volunteers, and who
does, deserves a faceful of it.

- If you're paying me to do it, you'll tell me what to do, but I still decide ~how~ to
do it.   If you want to say what ~and~ how, hire a gol-durned monkey, not me.

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 14:41:25 -0700, TJ Heaney wrote
> He is somebody who develops for Ubuntu, and does not really believe in the
> concept of Humanity Toward Others.
> IMHO - Greatest Douche in the Universe.
> Other than that, I dunno.
> On Dec 6, 2007 2:36 PM, Michael TheZorch Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
> > TJ Heaney wrote:
> > > Can we really do anything about him?
> > >
> > > To me, that sounds like it is dangerously close to violating some sort
> > > of code of conduct....
> > Not to sound stupid, ok may a little, who is this Scott Kitterman guy?
> >
> > --
> > Michael "TheZorch" Haney
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> >
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David L. Willson
MCT, MCSE, Linux+
(720) 333-LANS

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