[CoLoCo] Linux VARs in Denver / Colorado?

Tibor Hetei ubunturocks at itcare.net
Tue Dec 4 20:29:12 GMT 2007

I am thinking about restarting my network consulting / VAR business covering 
the Mountain and Denver area this time with a much stronger emphasis on open 
source based solutions. I am looking to talk to people working at VARs in 
Denver or elsewhere in Colorado that provide open source based solutions. I 
am not talking about HP and SUN but rather entities like Lewan and smaller.

I am trying to find someone to talk to about their business experiences based 
on open source products and services. The only VAR I know of is tummy.com out 
of Ft. Collins. They seem like good folk so I will be calling them soon and 
see if they are willing to chat. :-)

1. Do you know anyone personally working at or owning a VAR with open source 
based products and services that I could approach?

If the person I get to talk to lets me, I might even record the conversation 
and post it as a podcast! :-)

Thanks for your help

VARs = value added reseller and system integrator

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