[CoLoCo] Django Sprint today!

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Sat Dec 1 15:43:31 GMT 2007

I just heard about this....  And I'll be there!

Develop your python-fu in person with the experts!

Help the django project - what some people think of as python's
 best way of doing a gui (via the web) and best way of doing
 the web (via python).

Hang out with your friends.

Work on https://edge.launchpad.net/loco-django

Come by any time 9 AM - 5 PM.  Or work from home.



Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

----- Forwarded message from Matt Boersma <matt at sprout.org> -----

To: Front Range Python Users -- General Discussion <frpythoneers at lists.community.tummy.com>

This Saturday, December 1, the Django community is hosting its second
"worldwide sprint."  It's an excellent way to get familiar with the
details of Django, or to fix that one pet issue you've been working
around.  More details are available at the dev wiki:

We have at least five Front Range Pythoneers signed up so far.  Jim,
Ian, and I plan to meet at bivio software in Boulder at 9 on Saturday
to sprint together.  If that time and place works for you, we'd love
to see you there!  Jay and Brian, let us know what you're planning to

----- End forwarded message -----

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