[CoLoCo] Dell moves 40,000 Ubuntu PCs

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Sat Dec 1 04:56:41 GMT 2007

> >
> > Dell is still too Microsoft centric.  They are pandering to the Linux
> > community.  We want real competition, because we know we will win.
> > Microsoft doesn't want real competition for the same reason.  When you
> > factor feature per value received, neither Steve (Balmer or Jobs) want
> > to see Linux given a fair shake.  For then they would be forced to
> > justify their prices and profits against the value received over Linux.
> > I don't believe either one has a sustainable answer for that.
> >

What is kind of scary is that ms is making piecemeal deals with
different Linux businesses to licence one part of windows or another
but no one will be able to offer a complete interoperability option
since they can do say NTFS but not something else. If this works,
anyone signing an agreement with ms will be screwed. If it fails,
those business will still be screwed because everyone will go to the
ones that didn't make the deals. Of course, either way, ms will lose
too so it's all good.


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