[CoLoCo] Pythoneers Monthly Meeting - Wednesday, August 22 in Boulder

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Tue Aug 21 17:00:38 BST 2007

FYI - Front Range Pythoneers are a great group of folks, and
tomorrow's talk sounds interesting.

Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

----- Forwarded message from Jim Baker <jbaker at zyasoft.com> -----

To: Front Range Python Users -- General Discussion <frpythoneers at lists.community.tummy.com>
From: Jim Baker <jbaker at zyasoft.com>
Subject: [FRPythoneers] Pythoneers Monthly Meeting - Wednesday,
	August 22 in Boulder

This Wednesday, August 22:

Tennessee Leeuwenburg is a Python developer based in Melbourne, Australia. He
works for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology working on forecast systems. He
will be visiting Boulder, Colorado to work with the folks at the Earth Systems
Research Laboratory.

Tennessee is also the Editor-In-Chief of "The Python Papers" (http://
pythonpapers.org), a free online journal covering Python topics in the
community, industry and academia. The next issue is due out on August 25 and
marks one year's worth of content.

Compiling The Python Papers involves dealing with a lot of individuals and
groups with widely differing experiences and goals. Getting to know these
people has been a great experience. Hopefully, by reading the journal, many
people have felt increasingly connected to these individuals and groups. A
brief overview of some of these online spaces will help to show how much is
being done and how diverse the Python world is becoming. Python in Education
will be given a particular highlight. While the One Laptop Per Child movement
is an enormous player in this space, equal emphasis will be given to Python for
Kids, Python in University and others.

We will have free food & drink as usual.  We're meeting from 6-8 PM at bivio
Software, which is at 28th and Iris in Boulder, above Hair Elite in Suite S.
Please note, there are two hair salons at this shopping center. Google Maps
link. And a calendar.

Hope to see you there Wednesday!
More details: http://wiki.python.org/moin/FrontRangePythoneers

Jim Baker
jbaker at zyasoft.com

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