Neal McBurnett
neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Sat Aug 11 20:55:11 BST 2007
On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 11:52:26AM -0600, Andrew wrote:
> .....neal WAS the one who mentioned it.................so...........
... so I feel pretty good about my contributions to date for public
radio at KGNU (as referenced in an earlier mail) as well as helping
gather helpers for KRFC... :-)
I've done my part, and I'd hope that others dive in up north.
Dave Vanderploeg <dave.vanderploeg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm a big fan of public radio, and I'd like to help out as well,
>> but since I'm in Denver I'd like to have a solid plan before
>> driving up to Fort Collins.
>> Let's start by having someone contact the station manager and find
>> out exactly what they need / want and what hardware they're
>> currently using. Then we can parse that info back through this
>> mailing list and develop a plan.
>> Anyone want to volunteer?
FYI, I also heard that Bryan Gartner has some linux-savvy contacts at
KRFC and will be making similar inquiries.
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