Hi All,<br><br>I have good news concerning our participation in the Ubuntu Global Jam. The folks at Pumping Station One have agreed to host us for the event, and at least one person from their group has expressed interest in joining us thus far. : ) <br>
<br>I have put up an event on the Loco Teams Directory [0], noting a tentative start time of 1:00pm on Saturday, April 2nd, with an end time of 4:00pm on Sunday, April 3rd. People can come and go as they are able, but do those times sound all right for everyone? I'd like to get them confirmed soon so that we can get the word out.<br>
<br>Also, if you know you'll be able to attend, please register your participation on the event website.<br><br>Thanks, all!<br><br>Jim<br><br>[0] <a href="http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/772/detail/">http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/772/detail/</a><br>