Ubuntu Chicagians,<br><br>As some of you know, I have volunteered to reserve a time at the STDL(Schaumburg Township District Library)[1] per the Monday, Feb 7th meeting. The time slot is from 3:30-6:15 on SUNDAY MARCH 13TH. That amount of time is ample to get lots accomplished depending on the amount people that show up. It is in downtown Schaumburg so there are plenty of eating opportunities if a group wants to go out afterwords.<br>
<br>If transportation is an issue, there is a Metra line that runs to Medinah and Roselle. There is a Schaumburg station but it is easier from those two directions. I am sure we could carpool if that is an issue or pick up from the stations.<br>
<br>This is just a reservation, INCASE we decide to go with this location as the STDL calendar fills up rather quickly.<br><br>Date: Sunday March 13th<br>Time: 3:30 - 6:15<br>Location: Rasmussen South of STDL on Second Floor<br>
<br>Any thoughts, ideas, comments?<br><br>-Ryan<br><br>[1]<br>130 South Roselle Road<br>
Schaumburg, IL 60193<br>
(847) 985-4000<br><a href="http://stdl.org">http://stdl.org</a><br>