<span style="font-size: 12pt;"></span>Hey all, this Saturday is the Ubuntu-Illinois Code Sprint. I'll directions at the end of the email. The wiki page is at <a href="http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IllinoisTeam/Events">wiki.ubuntu.com/IllinoisTeam/Events</a> I am not 100% sure which sections of the agenda will go out and which wont, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. <br>
<br>-Eddie M./Manchicken<br><br><br>Address:<br>216 N. Dianne ln<br>Mahomet, IL 61853<br><br>Directions:<br>1. Take I-57 south until you get to I-74.<br><br>2. Take I-74 west and then get off at exit #172, taking a left at the<br>
stop sign.<br><br>3. At the stop light, turn right.<br><br>4. At the three-way stop-sign, go forward to the right.<br><br>5. At the stop-sign, turn left, this should be State street.<br><br>6. After two stop signs, turn left on Dianne ln.<br>
<br>7. When Dianne ln bends off to the right, my house is one with a two-car<br>garage, house #216.<br>