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i think Eddie meant to send this to the list...<BR>
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<B>From</B>: Eddie Martinez <<A HREF="mailto:Eddie%20Martinez%20%3ceddiemartinez@gmail.com%3e">eddiemartinez@gmail.com</A>><BR>
<B>To</B>: <A HREF="mailto:timmadden@yahoo.com">timmadden@yahoo.com</A><BR>
<B>Subject</B>: Re: [Ubuntu Chicago] MEETING THIS TUESDAY<BR>
<B>Date</B>: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:05:27 -0500<BR>
Oct. 30th, Oct. 30th.
sorry for any confusion. Wally your question is a good one and the
answer is that there are simply no other times that I can attend an
IRC meeting. Most of the week I am online, it is sporadic and this is
a time I can make. I do understand that most people can't make this.
Apologies for the short notice on the meeting as well. This is
basically because I want to be able to plan this event and start
working on it ASAP. I tried to make an executive decision to hold a
meeting on short notice and use that to gauge where we are in respect
to this event, so that we know exactly how much work has to be done
and to make thing easier in the long wrong. If it was a bad move, I
But the meeting is on Oct. 30th. I will be emailing the list to make
sure that everyone has to the chance to be represented. I recognize
that this meeting is at an inopportune time, but this is best I can do
for the time being.
On 10/29/07, Tim Madden <<A HREF="mailto:timmadden@yahoo.com">timmadden@yahoo.com</A>> wrote:
> Don't you mean Nov 30th?
> On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 23:37 -0500, Eddie Martinez wrote:
> The next 'official' IRL (in real life) meeting is Dec. 1st at the
> Insitute of Design. BUT
> Our next meeting will be on IRC on Tuesday, Dec. 30th at 11am on IRC.
> (Internet Chat Relay). #ubuntu-chicago on irc.freenode.net We will be
> discussing the next event for the Loco, which will be spearheaded by
> myself (posingaspoular), and Nixternal (Richard Johnson).
> Our plan for the next event is to have a Barcamp style meeting for the
> general users of the chicago area. barcampchicago.com for those who
> did not attend or are unfamiliar with the style. We will of course be
> asking the general Open Source Community for help (Google, IBM, Red
> Hat, etc.) on this event, but the vision is to have an event
> introducing the general public to Ubuntu, which is the stated mission
> of the loco. The plan is for Jan. and/or early Feb. We are asking ALL
> members of the loco who can make it to be there with ideas,
> suggestions and enthusiasm. If you can't make it for the meeting, we
> will be recapping the meeting and sending it to the team for
> additional revising/suggestions, etc.
> AGAIN, tuesday meeting on irc at the #ubuntu-chicago chan.
> Thanks
> -Eddie M.
> --
> This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
> <Please exit in an orderly fashion>