[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: Like to pay for hands-on support

Rick Hedin cubsno1 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 00:16:44 UTC 2011

Hi, Scott.

I just bought this box last weekend.  I have nothing on it that I need to
keep.  My objectives for the box are just to run Ubuntu and Erlang.

The only thing I want to avoid is hardware incompatibilities, that would
leave me with a humming box.  It's a Dell Inspiron 910.  It was sold with
Ubuntu on it.  Do you think I need to worry about driver incompatibilities?

Other than that, I'm very willing to install the latest Ubuntu from
scratch!  How do I do it?



On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 6:59 PM, W. Scott Lockwood III
<scott at guppylog.com>wrote:

> Hey Rick,
>  So, it seems you’re not running 9.04 after all. It looks like you are on
> 8.x. What I would do at this point, is back up any data you have on the
> machine that you want to keep, and install the most recent LTS release from
> scratch. Let me know if you need help with that.
> --
> W. Scott Lockwood III
> From: Rick Hedin [mailto:cubsno1 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 6:47 PM
> To: W. Scott Lockwood III; ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: Like to pay for hands-on support
> Hello Scott.  Just getting back to this after a long day at work.
> Would it be appropriate for me to copy your sources.list file?  I think
> that's where the repositories are recorded, and where apt-get gets its
> information.
>                Regards,
>                Rick
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 5:37 AM, Rick Hedin <cubsno1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning, Scott.
> I tried sudo apt-get install erlang.  It said "E: Couldn't find package
> erlang."
> I think my problem is that my sources.list file doesn't have the right
> entries.  When I go to System -> Administration -> Update Manager, it says
> "New distribution release '9.04' is available."  (I guess I was inaccurate
> that I am already at 9.0.4)  When I click Upgrade, it says "Upgrading to
> a no longer supported version."  When I click past that, it says
> "Extracting
> the upgrade failed.  There may be a problem with the network or with the
> server."  All my interactions with the internet work great.  There is no
> firewall (I'm in my house).  I think it's the server.  Specifically, not
> pointing to a valid server.
> If in the Update Manager, instead of clicking Update, I click Check, it
> says
> "Downloading package information" for a while, then it says "Could not
> download all repository indexes."  I think my problem is " . . . ensure the
> repository address in the preferences is correct."  It gives me a long list
> of complaints, from "Failed to fetch
> http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/main/binary-i386/P
> ackages.gz  404 Not found [IP: 80]" through "Failed to fetch
> http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/multiverse/source
> /Sources.gz  404 Not found [IP: 80]"
> I hope this is enough information to enable you to deduce what the problem
> is.  I hope your day is productive and pleasant.
>                  Regards,
>                  Rick

I insist on rapport!
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