[Ubuntu Chicago] Doc Jam

Ryan Moss ry.ryno27 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 17:04:43 GMT 2009

The 13 will not work for me or I might be able to make it but leave halfway through or something. The library is a given that it works for me as it is a few mins from my house and they do have wireless and allow snacks and projector if we can remember how to set it up *nhandler* just messing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 09:28 AM
To: Ubuntu Chicago Local Community Team Mailing List <ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Chicago] Doc Jam

Hi All,

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Richard JOHNSON <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

 With the Lucid development cycling already kicked off, I would like to see
 if we can plan on getting together sometime in December and maybe hold a
 Documentation Jam. I am one of the leaders of the Ubuntu Documentation
 Project and currently lead the efforts in both Kubuntu and KDE
 Documentation Project. With that, I have decided to rewrite the entire
 system documentation for Kubuntu this development cycle. I have created
 fairly tough goals to reach. The goals aren't time lined to be finished by
 string freeze, but instead to be reached by the end of December.

 If you have been trying to figure out an easy way to contribute to an open
 source project, you may or may not be a hacker, may or may not have
 technical documentation experience (I didn't when I started writing docs
 for Linux more than 15 years ago), might have experience with DocBook/XML
 or some other similar markup language (regular XML, HTML, etc.), then this
 might be for you.

 I know Jim, the leader of the Xubuntu documentation, will probably like to
 do this as well. If Jim and I can get together with a few of you, we can
 make it a very productive day, as we will be able to at least teach your
 the ropes to get you started.

 Voice up if something like this sparks your interest. Thanks!

I would really like to do this.  I'm not thinking a whole weekend, but maybe something on a Saturday or Sunday from 10 - 4 or something.  I'd prefer Saturday if possible.

My time is somewhat limited, so I would need to use this time to do prep work (topic generation, outlining and such), or to actually write.  I think the prep-work stuff would actually work great in a group setting.  Here's a great wiki page that goes through some of the prep-work involved in writing documentation [1].

Could we look for maybe the weekend of December 12th?  Maybe the 12th or 13th?  Meeting out in the burbs would be ok for me.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AugustinaBlair/HowToWritingProcess
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