[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Linux: meeting 2007-03-24

John Quigley jquigley at jquigley.com
Wed Mar 21 17:52:06 GMT 2007

Hey Everyone:

Chicago Linux is meeting this coming Saturday, March 24, 2007, at 3p, at 
our standard location downtown:


We have special guests coming from Europe representing the Open Source 
company eZ:


In addition, Cleversafe will be performing a demonstration on how to use 
their Open Source system to setup a dispersed storage grid.  Both 
companies will give a retrospective on Open Source companies competing 
in the commercial space.  Our presentation agenda in full:

    1. Meet eZ: Open Source in the Commercial Space
    2. Cleversafe demo: Setting up a dispersed storage grid
    3. Dynamic Mail Relaying ToGo (Jordan Wilberding)
    4. Writing Embedded Lisp Systems (John Quigley)

As always, we'll be heading out for food and drinks afterwards.  We 
invite everyone to come along!

I'd also like to notify you that our mailing lists have returned. 
Anyone interested in our activities should subscribe to the low-volume 


We also have a more high-volume DISCUSS list:


Happy Hacking!
John Quigley

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