[Ubuntu Chicago] Mailing List Digest Mode

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Mar 4 05:54:15 GMT 2007

Hey everyone.

I went ahead and changed this list to non-digest mode.

What does that mean? It means now that you will receive each email on its own 
and not in a daily email with a ton of messages in one email. This makes it 
easier to respond to a single email. When using the digest mode and you 
reply, not only do you change the topic of the email, but you also send 
(unless of course you remove the non-essential bits) every email sent for the 

Will this stick for good? Yes, or until someone says that they prefer digest 
mode. Since this isn't a high-traffic list you really don't have to worry 
about getting a ton of email. If it gets to the point that you don't want to 
receive each email and prefer the digest, I will turn it back on so people 
can use digest. If and when that occurs all I ask is that you use proper 
email etiquette and clean the email up before sending.


Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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