[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu-us-chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 4

Brian Green greenbrian at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 03:34:40 GMT 2007


For your online storage woes.
I'm sure you realize the necessity of having your data backed up.  Your hard
drive could bust any day now and you'd be SOL. I say invest in an external
hard drive as well as backing up your most critical info to an online

I need to get a skateboard and get back into skating after a 15 year hiatus.
Getting old sucks.

Brian Green

On 3/2/07, Eddie Martinez <eddiemartinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> To Max, I myself also skate, Freddy and I started together. I know a
> bunch of skaters and they themselves know many skaters. If we
> individually, or the group as a whole, can use that as a general
> outlet for OSS, I think it would be a huge benefit for all the parties
> and subsections. Especially give the power of such shops as Uprise, as
> well as the huge strenght in numbers of Chicago skaters, that could do
> ALOT of damage to proprietary software. May be idealistic, but hey, Im
> trying. Good luck eitherway.
> To everyone else.
> I have ONE port for internet connection on my modem.Ethernet
> connection I should say. I have a Windows NTFS partition and an
> Edubuntu partition on the harddrive. I want to permanently remove the
> windows partition but I CANNOT lose my music either. The music is all
> that is keeping me from deleting this partition. I set up smartFTP on
> windows, but it asks me which server to connect to. I dont have a
> server, and burning all the music is out of the question, since it is
> upwards to thirty gigs.
> I really really want to remove this partition but I have no idea what
> to do with what I have. IDEAS?
> Thanks guys.
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