[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Illinois Reasoning

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Mar 2 03:23:02 GMT 2007

There is going to eventually be an Illinois team, nothing we can do about it, 
and it is something the state needs.

My reasoning behind doing what I did tonight is a couple of things:
1) If there is going to be an Illinois team, WE (Ubuntu Chicago) will be the 
initial drivers of it, instead of someone else coming in w/o any LoCo 
experience and possibly causing a flop.
2) It allows us to expand. We will always be Ubuntu Chicago, but we are a part 
of the state of Illinois, so it allows us to have a larger footprint behind 
anything we may drive in the future.
3) A lot of members (i.e. Freddy) are college bound to the various colleges 
throughout the state, with Ubuntu Illinois, these members will be allowed to 
create sub-chapters under the Illinois title instead of the Chicago title. 
Would be weird if you were Ubuntu Chicago at Southern Illinois.
4) We need farmers! OK, I made this up

My main reason was that if this was eventually going to happen, with my 
experience as well as all of yours, I would rather have a successfull driving 
force where eventually it can be turned over to future Illinois members.

Also I am working closely on a "hush-hush" project with Ubuntu and family and 
this is part of my master plan on world domination!

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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