[Ubuntu Chicago] next meeting?

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 18 06:30:42 BST 2007

On Tuesday 17 July 2007, Jim Campbell wrote:
| I got in touch with Patrick after our last meeting - he had suggestedbefore
| that we might be able to meet at his workplace.  We exchanged a few notes
| after, but he had some other matters to attend to that prevented him from
| checking on it further.  I'll have to check back with him.
| Jim

That is cool, however if he is on anything greater than the 5th floor, I am 
not game :)  I am also not happy about someone searching my cavity either, 
and the Sears tower does almost exactly that. When you walk in and see 
security with rubber gloves, it is time to turn around and go elsewhere :)

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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