[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Linux Meeting: July 14

Jess Balint jbalint at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 20:55:23 BST 2007


The Chicago GNU/Linux Group is meeting this Saturday, July 14th, 2007 at
3:00pm.  We'll be meeting at the Cleversafe, Inc. offices, right off the
red and green lines by US Cellular Field:


Our presentations are set to be:

	* Introduction to the PostgreSQL C API (Zlatan Klebic)
	* 7 Eleven or Kwik-E-Mart, The Real Story (Eddie Martinez)
	* An alternative language on the JVM - Scala (Jess Balint)

As always, beer and food are allowed: please come prepared.

For further information, visit our homepage or see the meeting agenda:

	* http://www.chicagolug.org/
	* http://www.chicagolug.org/wiki/Agenda20070616

Feel free to email me directly with questions or concerns.

Jess Balint
jbalint at gmail.com

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