[Ubuntu Chicago] EFF RIAA Petition

Chad Sutton chadarius at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 00:06:23 GMT 2007

 From my blog http://chadarius.com/node/32

I would urge anyone reading this to go sign the EFF's RIAA Petition 
(http://www.eff.org/share/petition/). The EFF is an honorable 
organization that views freedom in a very compatible way with myself and 
the Free and Open Source Community.

If you are someone that wants to stand up and be heard when it comes to 
the aweful DRM and closed standards being forced on us by organizations 
like the RIAA then go sign up for the petition and join the EFF!

DRM will ruin the legacy of our artists for future generations, and it 
interferes with my freedoms to use content as I see fit in legal ways. 
Besides supporting the EFF you can do other things like refusing to use 
technologies with DRM in it.  Signatures are great but money talks the 
most. I think the music industry is starting to realize that suing their 
own customers isn't getting the results that they wanted. In fact, their 
industry is still loosing money. Perhaps piracy isn't their problem? 
Perhaps their contempt for their own customers and anything remotely 
close to being tasteful and talented has something to do with their 
problems? Hmmm...

Chad Sutton
csutton at chadarius.com

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