[Ubuntu Chicago] CoD LUG Event (Linuxfest/Installfest)

Max Luebbe max.luebbe at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 17:44:23 GMT 2007

I'd come hang out - but with the Bears playing the NFC game tommorrow,
that's going to be a tough sell.
Hope it goes well!


On 1/20/07, Rich Johnson <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Tomorrow, Sunday the 21st, we will be holding a Linux fest at the College
> of
> DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL. The club is still small and getting close to
> being
> organized, but we still seem to find a way to enjoy the day talking and
> doing
> Linux. The event will start at 10am and go to 4pm at which we tend to meet
> up
> afterwards for a bite to eat. If you are interested in making it out, here
> are some directions:
>     http://www.cod.edu/Maps/Maps_Reg.htm
> Also here is the ICC map showing off the room (IC 1013 this time around).
>     http://www.cod.edu/Maps/ICFirst2.gif
> Top left corner of that image, to the right of the warehouse. Hope to see
> you
> there!
> --
> Rich Johnson
> nixternal at ubuntu.com
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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