[Ubuntu Chicago] Xubuntu ISO testing, a need to step down

Francisco cyan255 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 03:18:04 BST 2007

I'm already using Xubuntu Gutsy and enjoying it!  What are the test 
criteria and perhaps some hints on how to get started?


Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hello Fellow Xubunteros,
> I have been coordinating the ISO testing for Xubuntu since February of this
> year, and while it has really helped me to learn more about the release
> cycle, I am going to be changing jobs soon, and will not have as much free
> time.  I'm also trying to contribute more to Xubuntu documentation, and that
> takes up my time, too.  With those things in mind, I'm looking for someone
> who would be available to coordinate pre-release ISO testing for Xubuntu.
> The good news is that this is technically a very easy task.  It just
> requires an interest in testing and some time immediately prior to a
> release.  Things can get hectic on the days leading up to milestone release
> day, but it is otherwise not too difficult.
> A couple points:
> - I will still test, but I just won't be able to coordinate testing
> - It's not happening immediately.  My new job starts on September 24th.
> - I'll help transition things to whoever wants to take this over.  You won't
> have to learn things from scratch.
> Who woud be good for this role?  Here's a few qualities and attributes that
> would be helpful for someone interested in being the ISO test coordinator:
> - An interest in testing pre-release versions of Xubuntu
> - A basic knowledge of the overall Xubuntu release cycle
> - A computer with a cd burner and a decent (i.e., not dial-up) internet
> connection
> - A spare computer, hard drive, or disk partition on which they would be
> willing to perform a test installation of Xubuntu
> - Preferred: I think it's easier for a test coordinator to coordinate things
> if they live in Europe (UTC-200 to UTC+500).  This isn't a requirement, but
> a person in Europe would be at home in the evening when test coordination
> activity is ramping up, and it's much easier to coordinate activity from
> home than from the grocery store or your job.
> - Optional: Test coordination could even be shared amongst a few people.
> If you're interested in heading ths up, please let me know.  If you aren't
> interested in leading things yourself, please mention this to your
> appropriate local community teams in case someone else may be interested.
> Regards,
> Jim

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