[Ubuntu Chicago] Xubuntu ISO testing, a need to step down

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 03:05:20 BST 2007

Hello Fellow Xubunteros,

I have been coordinating the ISO testing for Xubuntu since February of this
year, and while it has really helped me to learn more about the release
cycle, I am going to be changing jobs soon, and will not have as much free
time.  I'm also trying to contribute more to Xubuntu documentation, and that
takes up my time, too.  With those things in mind, I'm looking for someone
who would be available to coordinate pre-release ISO testing for Xubuntu.

The good news is that this is technically a very easy task.  It just
requires an interest in testing and some time immediately prior to a
release.  Things can get hectic on the days leading up to milestone release
day, but it is otherwise not too difficult.

A couple points:
- I will still test, but I just won't be able to coordinate testing
- It's not happening immediately.  My new job starts on September 24th.
- I'll help transition things to whoever wants to take this over.  You won't
have to learn things from scratch.

Who woud be good for this role?  Here's a few qualities and attributes that
would be helpful for someone interested in being the ISO test coordinator:
- An interest in testing pre-release versions of Xubuntu
- A basic knowledge of the overall Xubuntu release cycle
- A computer with a cd burner and a decent (i.e., not dial-up) internet
- A spare computer, hard drive, or disk partition on which they would be
willing to perform a test installation of Xubuntu
- Preferred: I think it's easier for a test coordinator to coordinate things
if they live in Europe (UTC-200 to UTC+500).  This isn't a requirement, but
a person in Europe would be at home in the evening when test coordination
activity is ramping up, and it's much easier to coordinate activity from
home than from the grocery store or your job.
- Optional: Test coordination could even be shared amongst a few people.

If you're interested in heading ths up, please let me know.  If you aren't
interested in leading things yourself, please mention this to your
appropriate local community teams in case someone else may be interested.


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