[Ubuntu Chicago] ubuntu wireless

jason jenkins jenkins27 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 19:32:29 BST 2007

OK, I am having big problems.  I tried the manual method once again and got
an error at step:

wget http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/TARFILE=rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz

I had successfully done the automatic method but it did not work.  After
removing the network manager I had no ability to see wireless networks.  I
reinstalled network manager but it just showed the wired connection now.  I
opened the wireless assistant and it said it had to close because there were
no usable wireless devices found.  It looks like I am much worse off at this
point.  I have no idea what to do and need help.  I am close to giving up on
linux once again because this gets too frustrating.
Is there anyone relatively close to Wisconsin who could help me out?  I will
drive down to what ever city and we could meet at a starbucks or something.
I am willing to pay someone or at least buy them lunch.  I just want to get
this stupid wireless card to work for once.

On 8/15/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> jason jenkins wrote:
> > I am not sure I understand what that means.
> The command you should run isn't:
>   sudo apt-get build-essential
> it is
>   sudo apt-get install build-essential
>   ^^^^ - run the next statement as superuser
>        ^^^^^^ - the program to run (apt-get)
>                ^^^^^^^ - tell apt-get you want to install the following
>                          packages (you can also update and upgrade
>                          all packages with apt-get, not just install
>                          them)
>                        ^^^^^^.... a list of packages to install
> John
> =:->
> >
> > on a side note I decided to go ahead with the automatic script and that
> > seemed to work (it did installing stuff for a while then cam back to the
> > prompt).  But I don't have any wireless, under connections it just has
> wired
> > and modem where there used to be a wireless as well.  i assume this is
> > because I no longer have network manager.  So I tried installing the
> wicd
> > program and that didn't really work either because it still says there
> is no
> > wireless found.  So it looks like I screwed stuff up pretty well.
> >
> > On 8/15/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> > jason jenkins wrote:
> >>>> ok, I am getting errors up the ying yang.
> >>>> on the 2nd part of the first step this is what happned:
> >>>> sudo apt-get build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
> >>>> E: Invalid operation build-essential
> >>>>
> > sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
> >              ^^^^^^^
> >
> > John
> > =:->
> >
> >>
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> =8o4z
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