Ubuntu-Chicago Ubuntu Membership

Eric O'Neal fyedernoggersnodden at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 09:26:03 BST 2006

Sounds grand, but, eh.... how would one go about 'contributing.'  Lots of
talk about that all over the place in various projects, but I've never
*actually* found a decent opportunity to help out.  I'm not yet a guru, am
just a novice programmer, and am not bilingual.  Any other ideas?


On 10/6/06, Freddy Martinez <freddymartinez9 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey team. We need Ubuntu members! While most of us have used Ubuntu for a
> few months at the least, we only have two members on the whole team. What is
> a Ubuntu member? A Ubuntu user that has demonstrated significant
> contributions to the Ubuntu community and sort of becomes a trusted user.
> Not really trusted but more recognized. Furthermore, it would look verygood for the team if we had about ten users
> on the team instead of two. I just finished my application but I am hoping
> we can have a strong showing and have about five or six of us do our
> membership together. You may want to begin at:
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NewMemberHowto
> Email me back with a strong "Yes I want to become a member if you are
> interested." If you may not feel that strong about your contribution, we
> could still use your support when the other users go up for memberships as
> this will look good if the Ubuntu community responds with a vote of
> confidence. Let me know...
> --
> -Freddy Martinez-
> Kubuntu. [GNU/]Linux for human beings.
> </message>
> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago

My home page:  http://www.SigmaX.org

"ttocs laeno cire oshkosh b'gosh fyedernoggersnodden nicht stein bon

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in
              -- Albert Einstein
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