Ubuntu-Chicago Powered by Stickers

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 16 20:18:57 BST 2006

I just wanted to let everyone know, that I created some sample "Powered by" 
SVG files for anyone and everyone to use. I did them quick, so if you can 
make them better, go ahead and do so and update the wiki page, or just add a 
version to the wiki page.


I created them in a 2 inch by 3 inch format, and being svg's you can pretty 
much scale them to whatever, however you need to make sure you don't distort 
the logo by stretching it. You can "ungroup" the image to make changes to 
each item on the page.

You need the Ubuntu Title and MSTT core fonts packages. The following explains 
the process:

Enable Universe and Multiverse repositories -> 

Use Adept, Synaptic, Aptitude, or apt-get.

sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title msttcorefonts


p.s. to open/edit svg files, you need to:
sudo apt-get install inkscape
Richard Johnson ~ nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com
chi.ubuntu-us.com <> buntudot.org
online everywhere as nixternal
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