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<title>RE: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] LoCo Approval</title>
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<p> Looks like I will almost certainly not be there (work is lame sometimes). If I can, I'll jump on my phone's IRC client.</p><p> </p><p>-Troy<br /> </p><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(50, 95, 186); padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 5px;">-----Original message-----<br /><strong>From:</strong> Grant Bowman <grantbow@gmail.com><br /><strong>Sent:</strong> Sun 13-09-2009 03:50<br /><strong>To:</strong> ubuntu-us-ca@lists.ubuntu.com; <br /><strong>Subject:</strong> Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] LoCo Approval<br /><br />Neal, Robert and other contributors,<br /><br />Thank you very much for all your hard work on the application. It is<br />looking very good! Additional feedback on the application and<br />pictures would still be helpful. Fresh perspectives shared via email<br />or IRC could really help the process along.<br /><br />https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ApprovalApplication<br /><br />It would be useful to know who will be showing up at the meeting with<br />the LoCo Council in #ubuntu-meeting on Tuesday at Noon Pacific time.<br />I'll be there. Can other attendees please respond to the list so we<br />know you'll be there too?<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Grant Bowman<br />https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam<br /><br /><br />On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Neal Bussett <neal@bussett.com> wrote:<br />> Howdy All,<br />><br />> As many of you are aware, we're in the process of taking the next big<br />> step as a LoCo, applying to become an Approved Team[1].<br />><br />> I am happy to announce that today we submitted our application to the<br />> LoCo Council for approval at their next meeting.<br />><br />> The meeting is this coming Tuesday, the 15th, at 1900UTC (which is noon<br />> localtime). The meeting will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on freenode,<br />> and everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend to show them, to quote<br />> Joe, how epic we are.<br />><br />> Also, while our approval application is mostly done (comments welcome!),<br />> we're still looking for more pictures of the various events. If you<br />> have some that we don't, please speak up.<br />><br />> Our Application:<br />> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ApprovalApplication<br />><br />> I hope to see many of you this coming Tuesday (at noon).<br />><br />> Neal Bussett<br />> Ubuntu California<br />><br />> [1]: From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ:<br />> An approved team is a team that is fully up and running, has the<br />> required resources set up and has met the approval of the Ubuntu<br />> Community Council. As such, you can see approved teams as teams with a<br />> proven track record. Non-approved teams are typically teams that are<br />> still forming and if they continue to develop into a strong team, they<br />> will get approved status too.<br />><br />> --<br />> Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list<br />> Ubuntu-us-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br />> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ca<br />><br /><br />-- <br />Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list<br />Ubuntu-us-ca@lists.ubuntu.com<br />Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ca<br /><br /></blockquote>