[Ubuntu-US-CA] Southern California Linux Expo 19x in July!

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 28 03:41:28 UTC 2022

Hi everyone,

It's time to start wrapping up plans for SCALE this year.

We have a booth, we have a couple computers for the booth where we'll 
demonstrate Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.  And I'll be there along with a couple 
members of the Canonical Ubuntu Community Team helping out at times to 
answer expo hall visitor questions.

But we need help from all of you.  There are a few ways you can help!

Can you help staff the booth and greet visitors and answer simple 
questions about Ubuntu?  This is a big help!  Everyone has their own 
areas of speciality, and you can always refer a visitor to another booth 
volunteer if you get a question you don't know.  We have some 
complimentary SCALE passes and will pay for your pass if you help out 
for a couple hours.

Aside from desktops, I'm trying to get a Raspberry Pi 400 for the 
booth.  Are there any particular features or uses of Ubuntu or its 
flavors that you would like us to know about and highlight at the 
booth?  Let me know!  We're always looking for fun facts about Ubuntu, 
and you never know when someone might stop by who might ask if Ubuntu 
can be used in that very same way.

It's exciting to have SCALE back again, and I'm excited that Ubuntu 
California will be running the Ubuntu booth for the fourteenth SCALE in 
a row!


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - https://www.ubuntu.com/

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