[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu California meeting tonight! 7pm

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 21 22:39:13 UTC 2021

Hi all,

This week has flown by, my apologies, so let me make this casual.

We've got some fun things to chat about tonight.  SCALE 19x is going to 
happen in March, and it'll be in person.  Should we be there?  Do we do 
a conference track as well as a booth this year? Should we test the 
waters a bit?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is underway, and the OpenSSLv3 transition happens next 
week.  PHP 8.1 happened a couple weeks ago.  GNOME 42 transition starts 
in February with the beta.

There's plenty going on.  Let's chat about SCALE tonight at the 
meeting.  If you can't make it to the meeting, well, a reply to this 
mailing list is just as good!

As always, you can join us on #ubuntu-us-ca on irc.libera.chat, and if 
you don't already have a favorite IRC client installed on your computer, 
you can join us here: https://web.libera.chat/?nick=webchat?#ubuntu-us-ca

I hope everyone's had a nice weekend!  Have a great time with your 
families and friends over Thanksgiving, and then you get to relax (and 
sleep off the food!) over next weekend.  :)


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - https://www.ubuntu.com/

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