[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
Michael Paoli
Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Fri Jan 11 15:01:33 UTC 2019
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
First of all:
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco
Does someone want to do a (better) cleanup of the relevant web pages,
Most notably:
Many of the pages imply this meeting happens every month. Now,
having date/time/location pre-arranged for it 'n all is good, but ...
with those meetings - especially in more recent years - much more
commonly not actually happening than happening, the relevant web
It's also good (and as was commonly done) *when* the meetings actually
happened, to properly enter it as a Ubuntu event - and notably as
an Ubuntu Hour event, and as a ubuntu-us-ca LoCo event - so it then
automagically shows in all the right places for things that process and
show those calendar events and specific categories thereof (some folks
'n things specifically watch for / display such). Also helps, likewise,
to have the location on such on correct continent, country, state, ...
again so it's properly found where it ought be (and not, e.g., event
lacking continent, or global).
To the extent feasible (and notably not excluding the Ubuntu event
calendaring thingy stuff), there really ought be *one* authoritative
place that says whether the meeting is happening - or at least that
one can quickly and easily check if it's actually been scheduled 'n
such. Heck, maybe it could even be coded to benefit the whole
Ubuntu-US-CA team (e.g. if it's scheduled as both a Ubuntu-US-CA LoCo
event, and an Ubuntu Hour event, have a persistent web page that
automagically shows it on there if it's upcoming within say, month to 2
month's time). Anyway, single authoritative source often works better,
lest there be conflicting information from multiple sources and
questions as to which is authoritative.
And sites / web pages? There isn't a
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco
web page ... though there are page*s* with such on it,
so checking generally involves looking thorough many sources to try and
determine definitively what the situation currently is regarding
upcoming meeting actually scheduled or not.
It would seem probably most logical primary place would be:
And ... it even supports anchor tags ..., e.g.:
But, alas, that is not only not user-friendly anchor, but also
not persistent for the relevant data (e.g. someone edits it, and the
stuff at #line-20 is no longer the SF stuff).
I mean, trying to determine definitively the current status, generally
involves checking all of:
So, among other things, not having a persistent authoritative URL
makes it much less user-friendly - and also less likely to get the
information reasonably and clearly propagated.
It also doesn't help that the Canonical/Ubuntu calendaring stuff doesn't
(at least last I checked) have any way to schedule recurring events -
which of course means for the event to be there, someone has to put it
in there ... every ... single ... time. Someone want to code up
something that could handle automatic recurring meetings being
Anyway, ideally might be something like a specific page, or persistent
anchor on a specific page, and that could say something rough like ...
when they occur, they're scheduled on the Nth Xday of the month,
starting at <time> and typically at (or near) ... and here are any
upcoming ones that are scheduled <automagically fills
in any that match from the Ubuntu events (upcoming && Ubuntu Hours &&
ubuntu-us-ca LoCo && San Francisco && North America) ... and that last
bit so that if someone didn't do the event right, it wouldn't match the
filter - so they'd have more of a fighting chance to notice, catch, and
correct that>.
And secondly:
SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
There's this:
(Hey, at least it has a persistent anchor tag!)
Which is, unfortunately woefully out-of-date (and incomplete), and in
it's present form will probably almost always be. Rather than try to
maintain it as such (and have yet another different incomplete
out-of-date list of such on The Internet), perhaps instead link to some
better maintained more complete lists/resources, e.g.:
Might not look quite as "pretty" for the formatting on the page ... but
I'd vote for functionality and accuracy over "pretty".
Anyway, Ubuntu ... not my baby. Maybe some 'o y'all might want to take
a crack at addressing and cleaning those up? I might be able to do some
too, but it's very low on the priorities on my todo list (5921 lines
long and growing - yes, it will never all get done - at least not by
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