[Ubuntu-US-CA] SCALE 13X: Call for volunteers

Luis R. Caballero caballero.luis.raul at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 04:47:56 UTC 2015

Good evening Nathan, hey I am going bunkers!!! trying to sign up as 
volunteer at the wiki.ubuntu eventhough I'am logged in with my ubuntu 
one account....I need help!


Luis Caballero

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com> 
> Hello, Californian ubunteros!
> In just over a month, the 13th Southern California Linux Expo is set 
> to kick off.  This is the first major Linux conference of 2015 and 
> looks set to be big!
> Ubuntu California is running the Ubuntu booth as usual, and we have 
> some really fun things to talk about, from snappy Ubuntu Core to the 
> first retail Ubuntu phones.  I am working on training material so 
> that booth volunteers will have useful talking points about these new 
> developments when responding to booth visitors.
> Now we need volunteers to help run the booth.  It's fun and easy, and 
> we'll have experts on hand to help train you if you've never done 
> this before.  SCALE is a large and extremely friendly show, and it's 
> absolutely the best way to learn to represent Ubuntu at an event.
> The expo floor is open on Friday, February 20th from 2pm to 6pm; 
> Saturday, February 21st from 10am to 6pm; and Sunday, February 22nd 
> from 10am to 2pm.  We need volunteers for Friday, Sunday, and for 
> morning and afternoon shifts on Saturday.
> If you volunteer for at least one shift, Ubuntu California will cover 
> your SCALE registration.  Your exhibitor pass will allow you full 
> access to the exhibit hall and all speaker sessions the entire 
> schedule long--from Thursday through Sunday.  It's our way of saying 
> thank you for supporting Ubuntu.  You'll also get an awesome 
> Ubuntu-themed shirt to wear at the booth that you can keep to wear at 
> future Ubuntu events, so be sure to specify a shirt size.
> Please sign up at our wiki page for SCALE.  While you're there, see 
> if there are any other supplies you can donate.  Every little bit 
> helps!
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale13x
> If you have any questions or trouble signing up, just send me a quick 
> email and I'll get back to you.
> 2015 will be the 8th appearance of Ubuntu at SCALE.  Let's make it 
> awesome!
> -- 
> Nathan Haines
> Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/
> -- 
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