[Ubuntu-US-CA] Sonoma County activity?

Grant Bowman grantbow at ubuntu.com
Fri May 16 17:11:11 UTC 2014

I would recommend holding some Ubuntu Hours (mini, informal user groups) to
spread the word and gather interest in further activities. All you need is
to show up and answer questions. Wi-Fi and power and helpful. I would love
to attend if I can.


IRC is a good way to jump-start conversations even if it's around the
block. My nickname is grantbow.




On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Skip Thomsen <hiloguy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Uh, right.
> Skip Thomsen
> *The Modern Homestead Manual <http://www.homesteadinginfo.net>*
> *Affordable Hawaii Living <http://www.affordablehawaiiliving.com>*
> *Pandanus Designs <http://www.sonomastainedglass.com>*
> 10522 Cozey Ct.
> Forestville, CA 95436
> 808.443.6208
> ==============================================================
> Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers.*
> <http://www.affordablehawaiiliving.com/>*
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:40 AM, John R. Sowden <
> jsowden at americansentry.net> wrote:
>> On 05/15/2014 02:13 PM, Skip Thomsen wrote:
>>> Greetings!
>>> Is there any kind of an Ubuntu user's groups anywhere in Sonoma County?
>>> Our five office and home computers are all happily running Ubuntu and
>>> I'd love to help spread the word!
>>> Thank you!
>>> Skip
>>> Skip Thomsen
>>> */The Modern Homestead Manual <http://www.homesteadinginfo.net>/*
>>> /*Affordable Hawaii Living <http://www.affordablehawaiiliving.com>*/
>>> */Pandanus Designs <http://www.sonomastainedglass.com>
>>> /*10522 Cozey Ct.
>>> Forestville, CA 95436
>>> 808.443.6208
>>> ==============================================================
>>> Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned
>>> answers./*<http://www.affordablehawaiiliving.com/>*/
>>>  and what about Marin.  I remember the TRS-80 Users Group closed in the
>> early '80s.
>> John
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