[Ubuntu-US-CA] +Books/publications & BAD: Re: Wednesday, March 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 12 04:45:59 UTC 2014

And for those wondering what may be of interest to do after
San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, quite close by and with very convenient
timing so one might catch every last second of Ubuntu Hour, yet not be
late for next engagement, after San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
we have quite close by and very shortly following:
Bay Area Debian (BAD)
starting at: 7:05 P.M. Wednesday evening 2014-03-12
located at:
Henry's Hunan Restaurant
110 Natoma St. (between 2nd & New Montgomery)
San Francisco, CA  94105-3704
See the URL above for more details.
Oh, I'll likely also bring review copies of some books/publications to
San Francisco Ubuntu Hour - again see the URL above for more details.


> From: "Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph" <lyz at ubuntu.com>
> Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, March 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 17:48:02 -0800

> On Wednesday night we'll be having another Ubuntu Hour

> Date: Wednesday, March 12th
> Time: 6-7PM
> Details & RSVP:
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2733-ubuntu-hour-san-francisco/
> Look for the little Ubuntu Hour sign on our table. I'll be wearing an
> Ubuntu t-shirt and will have my pink netbook, along with some Ubuntu
> stickers.

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