[Ubuntu-US-CA] Looking To Donate AMD Athlon II 2x 260 With Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Mr Michoel Zeldis nesivos at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 1 13:32:01 UTC 2014

I live in Los Angeles CA and am looking to donate or just give the following computer

1. Dell 570 good working condition.   Purchased new from Dell in 2010?
2. AMD Athlon II 2x 260 CPU
3. ATI 500MB Internal graphics card
3. 8GB RAM
4. 350GB Internal HDD
5. Freshly installed copy of Ubuntu 12.04 x64.  I did install a few free
 software apps from the store which can of course easily be uninstalled
6. Dell Wired Keyboard and Mouse

Monitor and Speakers not included

Reason for the donation.   I am a Windows user though over the years I have used Ubuntu on multiple computers.  Anyway I just 
purchased a new Windows 8.1 computer.   The AMD originally came with W7 
and I upgraded it to W8 about a year ago.   However, there a number of 
issues with running W8 on a computer with the Athlon II 2x 2xx CPU 
including the fact that W8 can not be upgraded.   So after I  recently 
decided that I wanted all the computers on my small network running on 
W8.1  I had no choice but to purchase a  new computer to replace the AMD running W8. 

I do not have the space nor he need for the AMD computer as a result of 
the purchase of  the new W8.1 computer.  So I decided to donate/give the
 AMD computer but without my legally purchased  Micosoft/Windows 
licensed software. I don't like transferring ownership of licensed 

So yesterday I replaced W8 with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on the AMD.   Hence the 
clean installation of Ubuntu 12.04.  I had installed and used Ubuntu on 
several computers in the past so it was no big deal to install of 
Ubuntu.   The install wiped Windows so Ubuntu 12.04 is the only OS 
currently on the AMD computer.

There are no strings or conditions attached 
except I will not ship the computer.  I will only transfer it in a mutually agreed upon 
public location in the Hollywood area during the day time.    If anyone is interested just contact me by email and we can make the 
preliminary arrangements for the time and place of the transfer per the 
conditions noted above in blue.  This offer is for a limited time only.  After that I will just give the computer to a computer repair business in the Hollywood area.   

This offer is not on a first come basis.   Please state your reason for wanting or needing the computer and if more than one person is interested I will decide whom to reply to based upon the content of their email.

Have a nice day

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