[Ubuntu-US-CA] Early San Francisco Ubuntu Hour: Tuesday, October 2nd

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 28 18:28:51 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

Since I'm heading out of the county on the 10th, I've bumped our
October San Francisco Ubuntu Hour to be a week and one day earlier:
Tuesday, October 2nd from 6-7PM at the usual Roastery location on New
Montgomery St.

Full details: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1996/detail/

This will be my last event before my trip to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu
systems[0] and then I'm directly off to the Ubuntu Developer Summit[1]
in Copenhagen after that, so I'm also inviting people out to join me
for dinner after the Ubuntu Hour, at 7PM, at the Yerba Buena, downtown
location of The Grove: http://www.thegrovesf.com/ (no reservations,
you go to the counter to order, pay for what you eat style).

Hope to see you there!

[0] http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=6753
[1] http://uds.ubuntu.com/

P.S. The November SF Ubuntu Hour will likely be canceled since I'll
still be out of town, unless someone else wants to step up to lead it!

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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