[Ubuntu-US-CA] US-CA Loco Leadership

David Wonderly david.wonderly at kubuntu.org
Mon Jul 30 04:24:23 UTC 2012


For the last few years it has been a joy and a privilage to be a part of the 
US-CA Leadership team. As many of you know my life has been going through 
some major changes and one of the changes is that I am relocating to the state 
of Indiana. 

Because of this change it is only fair and right that I step down from my 
position in the US-CA team and allow someone that will be living in the state 
to help out and be a part of the team.

The ride I have had in the team has taught me a lot and I am not vanishing 
completely. You all have become a part of my family and for everything 
everyone has done, thank you.

I have already been in contact with the US-IN team and will be continuing my 
work with Ubuntu Loco teams in Indiana when I move there. I will be in 
Southern California until friday morning when I fly out.

Thank you all for everything and good luck!


David Wonderly
Darkwing on FreeNode IRC

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