[Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: computer work at a public school this Saturday

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 27 19:11:37 UTC 2012

Forwarding this along, the Partimus.org crew will be over at KIPP San
Francisco Bay Academy this Saturday, July 28, from 1 pm to 4 pm
helping them install some computers for one of their math classes.

I won't be able to attend due to a scheduling conflict, but it's
always an enjoyable and rewarding time! Plus, there's pizza :)

Please contact Christian Einfeldt at einfeldt at gmail.com if you have
any questions, more details and his other contact info below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christian Einfeldt <einfeldt at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:22 PM
Subject: computer work at a public school this Saturday
To: sf-lug <sf-lug at linuxmafia.com>


Partimus.org will be setting up a computer network in the math class
of the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy this Saturday, July 28, from 1
pm to 4 pm.  Pizza will be served for all volunteers.  We will
possibly be going up and down some stairs, although I am planning on
using the elevator for most of the work.  The math teacher will use
these computers for on-line math programs, and she really loves these
computers.  Any help is appreciated.  Please bring copies of Ubuntu
12.04.1 on USB and CD.  Please also bring tools that you would
typically need to triage and fix desktop machines.

If you would like to help, please come to the corner of O'Farrell and
Pierce, and call me or text me at 415-351-1300 as the school is quite
large.  If I don't respond right away, please understand that there
might be other people who are calling me or texting me at the same
time, and I will get to each of you as soon as I can.

Any re-tweets, re-dents, and re-posting of this email is appreciated.

Thanks, Christian Einfeldt for Partimus.org.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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