[Ubuntu-US-CA] Pasadena Ubuntu Hour, THURSDAY, July 12th

Dave <3 Ubuntu dave at iheartubuntu.com
Wed Jul 11 16:31:58 UTC 2012

*Pasadena Ubuntu Hour, THURSDAY, July 12th*

Quick reminder for the Pasadena Ubuntu Hour tomorrow just before the LUG 
meeting. We have a great turn out every month of 5-8 people and slowly 
expanding as more people find out about the Ubuntu Hour. Last month was 
exciting with 9 people showing up. Great conversation about working with 
public schools on how to convert older Windows computers to Ubuntu linux 
before the school need to spend more money on new systems and OS licenses.

Ubuntu Hour @ Peets Coffee - http://goo.gl/maps/Kyt4


Meet up at the original Ubuntu Hour location in Pasadena, CA! We meet at 
this location on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 6pm to 7pm. Meet 
someone new and have some fun!

For more info about this event please email: davidandrews at ubuntu.com 
<mailto:davidandrews at ubuntu.com>

For more information on this Ubuntu Hour, please go here:

This Ubuntu Hour coincides with the San Gabriel Valley LUG meetings. 
More info on SGVLUG: http://www.sgvlug.org/
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