[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ok, I am not sure how to put this

Mark Terranova mark at gidgetkitchen.org
Mon Sep 27 20:06:16 UTC 2010

Hello California Team, we stand at a crossroads, with paths in front of us.
I pick the path with less drama and hassles. Whatever the group decides to
do I suggest we not question each other's * motivations*. This is a
volunteer group. We are not getting paid to this. Let's assume everyone
here is involved to share in the Spirit of Ubuntu. We may differ on what
that means.

Just to be clear- I don't doubt *anyone's* motivation in this group. To me
it is clear that there is noble intent all the way 'round.

*It's not just me that thinks things could be improved here.
*Sure, we could go details and sort out every little detail that started
what is currently taking away valuable time from this group. We could read
logs until we can read no more.

I would prefer an *open and transparent process* that outlines how we deal
with problems as they arise. I have been waiting since last year for this.
Neal said he would do so;

California team organization, management structure, processes Roadmap


   Jono wrote a blog
   2. Neal says one is "in the works" since Mark suggested it a few weeks

Source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09December13


PS Whatever people think about this lets not ascribe negative labels to
people. If it appears that I have done that, I am sorry and that was wrong.
I do have a right to ask for follow-up on something from last year. I can't
do much more than make noise until then.
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