[Ubuntu-US-CA] Where do I start

Robert Hansen robert at hansenbunch.com
Sun Mar 7 06:27:45 UTC 2010

I have no idea where to start, here is my project. I have done some web site
work and a little design, but very little. I have installed some programs on
a web site, but do not know how to remove them. That give you a little idea
of my ability.


 I want to setup a virtual machine running LAMP. It will be used to run a
couple of in-house web based programs. One help ticket program and an
Instant Messaging program. I have look at windows server based programs, but
found them too restrictive and I would be more comfortable editing web based
programs. I was told to go with ubuntu, but know nothing about it or how to
set it up, or things like once I install a site on the ubuntu box, how do I
unstill it. I think that I will be trying out several programs.


So, can someone tell me where to start.



Robert at hansenbunch.com

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